Formations initiales
The course of medical studies is spread over six years and takes place over 12 semesters :
Semesters S1 to S4 are preclinical and fundamental semesters. They are reserved for the
teaching of basic scientific modules and preclinical fundamental sciences. They include an
immersion course in the health system in S1 and an immersion course in social medicine in
S3. These internships are intended to sensitize the student early in the medical course to
certain important aspects of his future function.
Semesters S5 to S10 combine part-time hospital internships and theoretical teaching aimed at
acquiring and developing clinical skills.
The semesters from S11 to S12 are devoted to full-time internships. During these 2 semesters,
the student will pass 5 compulsory internships (Medicine, Surgery, Gyneco-Obstetrics,
Pediatrics and Public Health), he will also have to pass clinical examinations on the past
internships except for Public Health.
During the same year he will have to prepare his thesis for the doctorate in medicine.
The medical internship competition is open to students from the validated 5th year.
When it comes to the residency competition, there are two routes (specialist training) :
- On qualification for interns.
- By competition for those who have defended their thesis.
The period of speciality training is :
- 3 years for occupational medicine and sports medicine. By competition for those who have
defended their thesis. - 4 years for all medical and biological specialties (except internal medicine).
- 5 years for all surgical specialties, internal medicine and emergency and disaster medicine.
After completing the specialization, candidates can apply for the university stream by taking the competitive examination for assistant professors. He or she can also join the ecosystem as a Hospital Practitioner or as a Temporary Specialist.
Since 2023, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Science and Health has been covering the training costs of interns and residents at our university