The establishment of Mohammed VI Anglophone Medical Studies at UM6SS in 2021 was based on the University original mission and vision to raise Medical Studies and research in Morocco to a more global level, to educate and train physicians and researchers who are well-prepared to function in and meet the 21 Century challenges of the ever-changing medicine.
As outlined in UM6SS Pedagogical Charter, in this New Anglophone Medical Studies program, we...
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UM6SS Mohammed VI Anglophone Faculty of Medicine educates and inspires students to be exemplary physicians and scientists, leaders in medicine, scholars in research, and adopters of innovative technology to improve the health and well-being of all. Our patient-centered mission is achieved by outstanding medical care and services, groundbreaking research, and leading edge medical and biomedical education. UM6SS Mohammed VI Anglophone Faculty of Medicine strives to achieve academic excellence and international recognition through its attention to learning and teaching, research and publications, social services. The university also prioritizes the personal growth of its students, resulting in greater innovation and productivity for the benefit of society and the nation as a whole.
At the Mohammed VI Faculty of Medicine, our mission is to provide education and training based on innovative, student-centered teaching methods. Our mission is to contribute to the development of the health sector in Morocco and to train highly qualified health professionals. We are committed to advancing medical research, innovation and the adoption of new technologies in healthcare. As part of an integrated ecosystem, the Mohammed VI Faculty of Medicine stands out for its innovative programs that promote digital access to educational resources for both teaching and assessment. It also integrates simulation-based learning into its training programs. The Mohammed VI Faculty of Medicine favors an active teaching approach that puts the student at the center of its concerns, using methods such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Clinical Reasoning Learning (CRL). These tools encourage the development of a broad approach to understanding the various situations that arise in the daily practice of Medicine.
Our mission is to provide world-class medical education, producing competent, ethical, and highly skilled physicians. As a student at the Mohammed VI Anglophone Faculty of Medicine, you will benefit from a stimulating and collaborative learning environment, supervised by an experienced and passionate teaching team.
Our medical education program is...
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The Mohammed VI Faculty of Medicine provides an e-learning platform and a reference-rich virtual library to give students quick access to extensive documentation. Our goal is to provide our students with all the resources they need, a supportive environment, and world-class educational programs.
In 2024, with the expansion of...
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The teaching program of the Mohammed VI Faculty of Medicine integrates simulation-based learning through the Mohammed VI International Center of Simulation in Sciences and Health (CIM6S), which boasts a multitude of innovative teaching resources, including ANATOMAGE” tables for virtual dissection and study of the human body in 3D, to...
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